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Dasar Halal Negara Dasar Halal Negara
The National Halal Policy 2025-2035 serves as the nation's long-term blueprint to foster a comprehensive and conducive halal ecosystem, thereby maintaining Malaysia's position as a global leader in halal industries. This policy encompasses diverse facets of halal management, including legislation, certification, recognition by international halal certification bodies, technology and innovation, consumerism, legal perspectives and fatwas, halal research, laboratory analysis, economic benefits, and more The National Halal Policy 2025-2035 serves as the nation's long-term blueprint to foster a comprehensive and conducive halal ecosystem, thereby maintaining Malaysia's position as a global leader in halal industries. This policy encompasses diverse facets of halal management, including legislation, certification, recognition by international halal certification bodies, technology and innovation, consumerism, legal perspectives and fatwas, halal research, laboratory analysis, economic benefits, and more
Dear respected respondents,

We would like to invite you to take part in the research study entitled "National Halal Policy 2035 and the National Halal Policy Action Plan 2030". This project is a long-term strategy that aims to create a more holistic and conducive halal ecosystem to support Malaysia's inclusive, balanced and sustainable halal development agenda. The halal industry has great potential, with the global halal market size expected to reach approximately USD 2 trillion by 2030.

To achieve the research objectives, comprehensive data collection is essential to gather the necessary information for this study. One method of data collection involves conducting surveys to gather respondents' views. If you agree to participate in this research, your responses will be strictly confidential and used solely for research purposes. Any information about your participation will remain discreet and confidential in the event of any publications resulting from this research. Please answer all questions based on your honest opinions, as there are no right or wrong answers. Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this questionnaire. If you need further information, please feel free to contact us at the contacts given for further information.


Admin, National Halal Policy 2035 (dhn2035@um.edu.my)
Associate Professor Dr. Zalina Zakaria (zalina_jsu@um.edu.my)
Mr. Zaaba Bin Zakaria (zaabazakaria@islam.gov.my)

Kepada para responden yang dihormati,

Kami ingin menjemput anda untuk mengambil bahagian dalam kajian penyelidikan bertajuk “Dasar Halal Negara 2035 Dan Pelan Dasar Tindakan Halal Negara 2030”. Projek ini merupakan strategi jangka panjang yang bertujuan untuk mencipta ekosistem halal yang lebih holistik dan kondusif bagi menyokong agenda pembangunan halal Malaysia yang inklusif, seimbang, dan lestari. Industri halal mempunyai potensi yang besar, dengan saiz pasaran halal global dijangka mencapai kira-kira USD 2 trilion menjelang tahun 2030.

Untuk mencapai objektif penyelidikan, pengumpulan data yang komprehensif perlu dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan maklumat yang diperlukan bagi kajian ini. Salah satu kaedah pengumpulan data adalah melalui tinjauan untuk mengumpulkan pandangan daripada responden mengenai topik penyelidikan. Jika anda bersetuju untuk mengambil bahagian dalam tinjauan ini, maklumat yang diberikan akan diperlakukan dengan ketat sebagai sulit dan hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan penyelidikan. Jika hasil kajian ini diterbitkan, sila pastikan bahawa tiada maklumat mengenai identiti anda akan dimasukkan.

Sila jawab semua soalan. Soalan-soalan ini harus dijawab berdasarkan pandangan anda yang jujur kerana tiada jawapan yang betul atau salah. Terima kasih atas masa dan kesabaran anda dalam menjawab kuesioner ini. Jika anda memerlukan maklumat lanjut, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.

Salam hormat,

Admin Dasar Halal Negara (dhn2035@um.edu.my)
Prof Madya Dr. Zalina Zakaria (zalina_jsu@um.edu.my)
En. Zaaba Bin Zakaria (zaabazakaria@islam.gov.my)